What are the Schengen countries doing during this time? Among the pandemic…

What are the Schengen countries doing during this time?

Among the pandemic outbreak, the EU states are standing together and helping each citizen in need. Large amounts of financial, medical and personnel assistance is separated to help all EU member states. A budget of about 40 billion Euros has been put aside for the current situation to help any member states in this crisis. There are German hospital taking Italian patients, France and Austria are sending masks to Italian doctors and this proves EU solidarity. Beside this EU has been working non-stop to boost production of new medical equipment.

How many international tourists applied for the Schengen Visa last year?

Last year, there were slightly over than 16 million applications from all around the world for the Schengen Visa. This number was 0.9% smaller than that of the year before.

What to do if you can’t attend the summer program you applied for because of the Visa?

If you were planning to attend a summer course in your dream European country but your Schengen visa is sadly rejected, that’s all right! Even if you miss the course deadline, more courses will always be offered next year, perhaps in a more stunning European country.

What to do in the event of toothache?

Please inform your dentist about the details of your insurance coverage by providing him with our Ärzte-Info-Ticket (medical info card) prior to the treatment. In case of toothache, you usually receive immediate dental treatment. Such treatment aims to reduce pain and to treat the respective tooth. As with any other travel health insurance, the policy covers simple fillings (emergency dental treatment) for the relief of new and acute pain. For details, go to: What to do in the event of toothache?

What is the best thing you can do if you get your Schengen Visa rejected?

There are many teams working to make Schengen a trusted and almost perfect procedure. If your Schengen authorization is denied, there must be a strong reason for this, you can re-check your documents and apply again.

Is a Schengen Visa enough for summer programs in Europe?

Most universities in Europe do summer research programs or spend months to develop practice-oriented classes while having a great time with students. Having a Schengen visa means you have the right to stay in a Schengen state for 90 days so you can enjoy the summer course and get to know other people.

Which countries have the most applicants from for the Schengen Visa?

While the Finnish consulate in Russia, Saint Petersburg, received over half a million applications in last years, Spain was also a wanted country to visit having receiver almost half a million visa applications.

Who doesn’t need a Schengen Visa to travel around Europe?

You don’t need Schengen Visa if you are a member of a Schengen state. You will have to apply for Schengen after your visa expires and will be granted one if you are considered adequate.

In which countries do you need a Schengen Visa to travel?

If you need to travel to Germany, France, Spain Italy, Austria, The Netherlands and many other well-known European countries for business or travel purposes you may need to get a Schengen Visa.
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