If you have a Schengen visa do you need to apply for…

If you have a Schengen visa do you need to apply for visas to other Schengen member states?

The answer is no which means that you can visit multiple places in Europe with one visa, thus, saving time, money and effort.

What does having a Schengen Visa mean for an international visitor?

For international travel purposes, 26 European countries in 1985 created a type of agreement called the Schengen Agreement. This area eliminated passport checks for every Schengen visa holder and since then tourism reaches its peak in Europe year by year.

Do tourists with a residence permit need to apply for the Schengen Visa?

Individuals who own a residence permit by any non-Schengen EU state do not need a visa if they’re planning to stay in any Schengen country for up to 90 days.

What are the Schengen Visa application costs and does age matter?

Visa application fees costs are listed as follows: children of 5 and younger don’t have to pay for a fee, children from 6 to 12 years old have to pay 35 Euros and individuals from 13 and older have to pay 60 Euros.

What does the Schengen Agreement help you with?

The Schengen Agreement grants you the possibility to visit 26 countries with only one visa. Besides this, there are 19 other countries that are not part of the Schengen zone but you can still go to.

Can you travel to another country with the Schengen Visa if you get bored?

If you apply for a visa to Paris and during your stay there you get bored of the French language, don’t worry, the Schengen visa you hold gives you permission to cross the border to other Schengen states.

What to do in case you have to visit another state first from what you’ve applied to in the beginning?

If you have been given a Schengen visa for going to a (for example) conference to another state but meanwhile the conference gets cancelled, you have to inform the embassy about the change and apply for a new visa if needed.

Can a complaint change the embassy’s mind if you get your visa rejected?

Many people benefit from writing a complaint letter to the embassy, also known as an appeal letter. You have to mention your strong reasons to convince the embassy to reconsider your visa.
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