What do the European Union counties have in common and what do they offer?
European Union consists of European states which have common goals like:
promote peace,
offer freedom,
promote economic growth,
promote scientific and technological progress,
enhance economic,
social and territorial cohesion etc.
What is the best way of transportation while traveling around Europe?
When planning to travel between European Union Schengen states, consider doing so by a train.
The transportation is cheaper and you can easily get to nearby cities because of the developed infrastructure in European cities.
Which sport in Europe is the most popular and why is it so well known?
Football is the most popular sport in Europe. Most people choose Europe’s stadiums to spend some fun in and experience the adrenaline with everyone else, even if they are not dedicated fans.
Do Europeans also travel in Europe and how many of them do?
Each year, European Union habitats take more than a billion vacation trips, and usually these trips are inside Europe.
These visits made over 700 billion Euros in past years, helping Europe grow and become more popular.
How developed is tourism in Europe?
According to UNWTO, Europe holds the 50% of the world tourist arrival and is the most visited area in the world.
It is knows as a popular destination for tourists.
There are certain documents your non-EU family members must provide to the embassy if they wish to get a visa.
These documents are: a valid passport, a document of family ties with you as a EU citizen, proof that you are living in the host country and a declaration that you will be travelling with them.
Why is Europe such a great place to visit?
One of the things EU countries are known for is the open borders that exist between states.
These allow you to move freely inside Europe and experience all the different cultures and nightlife while at the same time being very cheap.
If you are a family member of a EU inhabitant you will have to provide a list of documents for when you are applying for the visa.
This list is exhaustive, which means that you will not be required to provide other documents.