Why would you be stopped at…

Why would you be stopped at the border if you want to visit your relative in an c?

This can happen because you have the wrong visa. Make sure to state the real connection between you and the EU citizen that you have claimed to be your family member.

What can you do if you can’t travel in Europe?

Due to the pandemic all countries have closed their borders and only a few flights are allowed for emergency cases. If you want to travel around Europe whether you live in Europe or not, then there are a few things you can do before it is allowed to do so. Because you can’t travel now you can use this free time to fully prepare your next trip in detalil, you can save up Money, read more about the country you want to visit, maybe even take a virtual tour around the places you want to visit such as museums or parks and cook a traditional food from the country of your choice. This is a great way to learn more about culture while having fun and being productive. We will keep you updated on the news about border control so for now stay at home and be safe.

Do Europeans also travel in Europe and how many of them do?

Each year, European Union habitats take more than a billion vacation trips, and usually these trips are inside Europe. These visits made over 700 billion Euros in past years, helping Europe grow and become more popular.

Can you travel with your non EU family members while you are a EU citizen?

If you are a EU national citizen and you are planning to travel with your non-EU family members it is recommended you travel with core family rather than extended family members.

What is Europe known for and how much does the youth affect these beautiful countries?

Europe is known to be a very lively continent. The youth is very well integrated here. There are many youth centers and places for them to hang out at such as: clubs, organizations, museums, amusement parks, beautiful cafes and much more.

Is it possible to travel to the EU with your pet and what can you do about it?

Yes it is possible to take your pet with you as you travel through the EU in case they have a European pet passport. Make sure to make an appointment with the vet 4 months before the trip begins.

Is food a good reason to travel to Europe and why?

Everyone loves food and Europe has a huge variety of different food for you to taste. It is the birthplace of many various meals like pizza, French cheese, Belgian beer, German bratwurst.

What do you need to plan before you travel to EU?

Make sure to plan all your procedure with visa application, border crossing, and landing on the EU country when you want to go on a trip. It will take time to gather all the documents and get ready but it will be worth it.