Does the embassy tell you which documents were missing in case you…

Does the embassy tell you which documents were missing in case you get rejected?

The embassy might ask for further documents for your German visa application. If this happens, then you have not read all the right documents needed. Make sure to next time read all the demands by the embassy.

Does each type of Visa have different requirements you need to fulfill?

The documents you need to send to the embassy vary from the kind of visa you are applying for but the most basic documents are: passport, financial proof, travel health insurance, plane ticket etc.

How important is it to submit your application before the deadline?

You should never miss your visa submission deadline. Some embassies are very strict about this and will ignore submissions made after the date they have set. Gather all the right documents and be there in time.

How many visitors has Germany had over the years?

Germany continues to be a wanted tourist attraction throughout the years. Almost half a billion visitors will tell you that they were charmed by the delicious food, the different kinds of beer and the hospitality of the nationals.

What does an appeal letter include of?

An appeal letter should include the reason why your visa got denied that the embassy stated, strong reasons why you think their decision is wrong and your personal information. This is written if you think that you deserve the visa.

Why is Germany such a popular option for job opportunities for international visitors?

People worldwide look for better careers, higher salaries and better job conditions. That’s why so many people pick Germany to be the place they turn to to find better jobs.

What are the types of Student Visa you can apply for?

The second most wanted visa for Germany is the Student Visa with its types of a Language Course Visa (lasts up to a year), Student Applicant Visa (Visum Zur Studienbewerbung)  and the Student Visa (Visum Zu Studienzwecken)

What can you experience with a German Visa as an international tourists?

Depending on the purpose of your traveling to the German country, there are various visas you can get, with which you can experience all the beautiful landscapes in Germany.