What is the main reason why you wouldn’t be allowed to travel…

What is the main reason why you wouldn’t be allowed to travel to Germany?

You won’t be allowed to enter Germany and will be sent to your home country if it is proven that your passport isn’t valid for at least three months after your period of stay in Germany. You need a valid passport to enter Germany.

Which skill do you need to practice that will come in handy when you visit Germany?

When planning to travel to Germany, make sure to practice your punctuality skills. They will come in handy if you are going to travel around using the German public transport.

Do international tourists benefit from writing an Appeal Letter in case of rejection?

Many people benefit from writing a complaint letter to the embassy, also known as an appeal letter. You have to mention your strong reasons to convince the embassy to reconsider your visa.

What are the most popular festivals in Germany?

Germany loves to celebrate for anything! From the famous Rhine in Flames, to Oktoberfest, DFB Pokal, Karneval, Asparagusfest and Onionfest and Christmas markets, Germany is known for its fun atmosphere.

Before visiting Germany make sure to book your hotel reservations beforehand,

make plans for travelling around and visiting places and especially think of what you would like to see and do while you stay there.

Which city in Germany has the most abundance in art?

Germany, and especially Berlin, is known as the center of European art and it is the home of 300 theaters, 630 art museums and 130 orchestras. The first magazine ever was launched in Germany in 1663.

Why is Frankfurt visited by so many international visitors every year?

Frankfurt is a very popular city in Germany with lots of visitors around the year. It is the home of the most known skyscrapers in the country and the different range of historic architecture.

How many visitors does Germany have by international tourists?

Germany is the eighth most visited country in the world based on statistics. In recent years Germany had over 400 million visitors that stayed there for at least two days.