How many jobs were offered to international visitors traveling in Europe? European Union countries had a rise in many…

How many jobs were offered to international visitors traveling in Europe?

European Union countries had a rise in many aspects recently. The number of international visitors grew to around 700 million visitors and the whole continent contributed around 800 billion Euros and more than 14 million jobs.

If you are someone who enjoys the snow and wants to travel to colder places then Europe is a great place for you!

For people who like skiing, Europe offers one of the best locations to ski and snowboard. The Alps are not only beautiful to watch, but they have great hikes and ski slopes that will offer you unforgettable journeys.

How is tourism in Europe going to develop in the next decade and will the number of tourists increase or decrease?

Recently the European Union welcomed more than 500 million visitors. This number is expected to increase every year. In the coming years this may increase by 2% (almost 10 million more travelers).

What is the best way of transportation while traveling around Europe?

When planning to travel between European Union Schengen states, consider doing so by a train. The transportation is cheaper and you can easily get to nearby cities because of the developed infrastructure in European cities.

Can you travel with your non EU family members while you are a EU citizen?

If you are a EU national citizen and you are planning to travel with your non-EU family members it is recommended you travel with core family rather than extended family members.

Why traveling to Europe will benefit you?

Everywhere you travel in Europe you will get the chance to see many different architectural designs. Sometimes they will show you the history of the country better than most history books.

How is the best way to prepare for your travel to the EU counties?

While you are packing make sure to try to fit all your belongings in one bag or two. There are cases where luggage is lost during your flight, and although you will be entitled compensation to 1300 Euro, it is better to have your stuff with you.

If you lose your passport while you cross borders or someone steals it, you shouldn’t worry! +

The EU countries have systems to deal with cases of stolen, lost and expired passports, and you can contact the authorities for help.