How many times do tourists travel around the Schengen borders in one year? 57 million of crossings in the…

How many times do tourists travel around the Schengen borders in one year?

57 million of crossings in the Schengen borders, out of 1.3 billion each year are made from transport of products. The other crossings are made by tourists. This shows how beneficial the Schengen Agreement is to companies.

Why do so many people want to explore the Schengen countries so much?

Exploring the Schengen Zone and its natural and architectural beauties is in the to do lists of many people from all around the world. You can visit it too; all you have to do is get yourself a Schengen Visa.

Not all European Union countries are part of the Schengen zone and not all Schengen states are part of the European Union.

This is an important fact to know because you will have different visa application procedures for each.

Can you write an appeal letter if you get rejected by the embassy for the Schengen Visa?

Yes you can always write an appeal letter no matter which Visa you apply for. In the appeal letter you write to the embassy you have to make sure that you have a strong reason to object to the embassy’s decision. You have to include your personal details, the reason your application got rejected and the reason you believe this decision is incorrect.

Have you ever imagined spending one weekend in more than on state in Europe?

Well, now you have the chance to spend one day in Paris and another in Berlin with the Schengen visa.

What is the first step you need too take in the application process for the Schengen Visa?

If you want to visit many Schengen Area states, then you must identify which will be your first stop or main destination. Sometimes you have to apply at the consulate of your first stop, or the state you will spend most time in. You will need your passport, a Schengen visa, health insurance.

Non-EU nationals who require a Schengen visa but also have a national visa in one of the Schengen states.

They do not need to apply for another Schengen visa to visit the other states in the area for the duration of their stay.

Do you need to carry your passport with you after obtaining the Schengen Visa while traveling around?

Even though you won’t be checked at every border, it is advised that you always carry your passport and your identification documents with you in case you are asked to prove your identity.