Do Europeans also travel in Europe and how many of them do?…

Do Europeans also travel in Europe and how many of them do?

Each year, European Union habitats take more than a billion vacation trips, and usually these trips are inside Europe. These visits made over 700 billion Euros in past years, helping Europe grow and become more popular.

Why is traveling so cheap in Europe if it is so popular?

European countries are aware of their impact on the world and the popularity they have gained throughout centuries. This is one of the reasons why traveling here is very cheap, the cities are well planned and the public transport is multi-functional.

If you have non-EU family members who want to travel around Europe with you then before traveling,

your non-EU family members need to apply for a visa. They should make an appointment and apply for one in advance at the consulate of embassy of the country they wish to go to.

How many jobs were offered to international visitors traveling in Europe?

European Union countries had a rise in many aspects recently. The number of international visitors grew to around 700 million visitors and the whole continent contributed around 800 billion Euros and more than 14 million jobs.

Why is Europe visited by so many people all the time?

No matter which EU state you choose to visit, history will be around you. The Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Piza Tower of Italy, Berlin wall in Germany are just some of the greatest tourism destinations you can see in Europe.

What is the best way of transportation while traveling around Europe?

When planning to travel between European Union Schengen states, consider doing so by a train. The transportation is cheaper and you can easily get to nearby cities because of the developed infrastructure in European cities.

Which documents do you need to carry with you as a non-EU citizen traveling to EU?

When trying to visit your EU national family member, you will have to apply with your passport, ID and visa, but keep in mind to carry your travel, health and car insurance documents with you.

How much money can you take with you when you travel to EU and can you pack alcohol and tobacco?

European Union countries allow the transportation of alcohol, tobacco and cash at a certain amount. You can pack these only if they are for your own use. You can only travel with less than 10,000 Euros in cash; otherwise you will have to declare it to the authorities.