Can you apply for a Schengen Visa if you plan on staying…

Can you apply for a Schengen Visa if you plan on staying in Europe for a longer period of time?

A Schengen visa is valid for only short period of time, which can be 90 days or less within a 180-day period. If you wish to stay longer you must apply for an appropriate long stay national visa for one country only.

What is the best thing about the Schengen Visa?

If you get bored of the huge amount of meat and sausages in Germany during your stay there, you can easily cross the border if you hold a Schengen visa, and eat a croissant in France.

Who can travel to the Schengen area without needing to apply for a Schengen Visa?

Spouses, parents and children below the age of 21, citizens of EEA countries may be able to travel to the Schengen are without having to apply for a visa if they meet some specific conditions.

If you get rejected and think that you have gathered the right documents for your visa application and the embassy’s decision is incorrect. 

The right decision for you to take is write an appeal letter to the embassy. In this letter you have to state your personal details, the date your application got denied, the reason why you believe this decision is incorrect and don’t forget to make strong points or else they won’t reconsider your application.

What does having a Schengen Visa mean?

Having a Schengen visa means that you can travel to many developed European countries, like Germany, France, Italy, without having to stop at every border to get your passport checked.

How to know in which embassy to apply for a Schengen Visa?

Knowing at which embassy to apply at when you will be staying at multiple Schengen states varies from the main destination or where you will spend most of your days. You need to state this in your visa application. You also need to bring your passport and have health insurance.

Receiving an answer from the embassy after you have submitted your application is exciting.

If you receive your passport with a visa in it, make sure to check what it says and if it gives you valid permission to the Schengen states.

Which country is the most visited in the world?

One of the most visited countries in the world is France. Many people are attracted by the French culture and delicious croissants, and of course, the Eiffel Tower. This country also is the most visited country of the Schengen zone.