Why is Germany such a popular option for job opportunities for international…

Why is Germany such a popular option for job opportunities for international visitors?

People worldwide look for better careers, higher salaries and better job conditions. That’s why so many people pick Germany to be the place they turn to to find better jobs.

How should you react to your Visa getting rejected by the embassy, should you reapply?

One of the options most people who get denied a visa do is write an appeal letter to the embassy. This is a response to the refusal letter that the embassy releases after denying your visa. Prepare what you have to say in this letter so it seems convincing.

What additional documents do you need if you have a friend or family member living in Germany?

Beside the passport, visa application form, health insurance, proof of financial support, you also have to bring an invitation of the person waiting for you in Germany if that is your case.

What kind of Permit do you need to be able to Work in Germany?

One of the reasons many people travel to Germany is for working purposes. For this you will need specific permission issued by the Ministry. The Critical Skills Employment Permit stands for a list of occupations with the annual salary of 30,000 Euros to 60,000 Euros, also those above 60,000 Euros. If you get this Permit you will have residence stamp number one stamped in your passport.

What can you do if your Visa application gets denied?

Researching for the visa, gathering all the required documents to apply for a visa for Germany is a pretty difficult process. If it happens that your visa gets denied, don’t get discouraged, you can always re-check your documents and apply again.

What are the types of Student Visa you can apply for?

The second most wanted visa for Germany is the Student Visa with its types of a Language Course Visa (lasts up to a year), Student Applicant Visa (Visum Zur Studienbewerbung)  and the Student Visa (Visum Zu Studienzwecken)

What are some places and events in German that attract many tourists throughout the year?

The Schwerin Castle, Nuremberg Christmas Market, Old Town Hall in Bamberg, Octoberfest and many other places and events in Germany are destinations for travelers all around the world who apply for visa to Germany.

When did Germany have the most issued Visa and where were they from?

Germany is known for its openness in every area, and this can be seen from the number of visas issued. Germany has the highest number of visas issued to Armenia as of recent. Only 2,000 of the total number of applicants, around 15k, were rejected.